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Anapha Yoga Benefits

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Bharati Yoga
The navamsa lord of the 2nd, 11th, or 5th lord is exalted, and is the 9th lord, or with the 9th lord.
'One is religious, a world famous and reputed scholar, with a love for music and romance, being very attractive with bewitching eyes.'

The Anapha Yoga caused by Mars is excellent- the native becomes aggressive, with business talent, with beautiful body and highly skilled. There is another Prosperity Yoga called Vasumath Yoga. Vasu in Sanskrit means prosperity. Vasumath Yoga results when the Upachayas, that is 3,6,10 & 11 Houses are tenanted by benefics. This yoga is of three types - Subha Adhi Yoga, Paap Adhi Yoga and Mixed Adhi Yoga. It is located on 6th, 8th, and 12th house respectively. Anapha yoga when happens from Chandra lagna or rashi, is recognised as the Chandra adhi yoga. It is one of the most significant yogas in the vedic astrology. Sometimes it is compared to Raja yoga.

Bharati is the Goddess of speech, drama, and literary composition identified with Sarasvati.

Gaja Kesari 'elephant lion' Yoga
1. Jupiter in an angle from the Moon, and joined or aspected by a benefic, avoiding at the same time debilitation, inimical rasi, or combustion.
2. Jupiter in an angle from the Moon.
'One will be splendorous, wealthy, long-lived, energetic, renowned, intelligent, endowed with many laudable virtues, pleasing the king, and having great money and grains. One will destroy, like a lion, all his enemies and conquer everything by his own valor.'

This is a well-known yoga that indicates intelligence, a happy attitude, and protection from adversity. It is particularly noted for wealth, and the houses involved will indicate sources of wealth. The first version, requiring Jupiter to be under benefic influence and not in a bad dignity or combust, is much more significant and effective. In this case it is Jupiter that is the significant planet in the yoga and the planet that will give the greater rise, success and wealth. The version that is formed simply by Jupiter's placement on an angle from the Moon is very common, occurring in one out of three horoscopes and is not very significant by itself, though if Jupiter and/or the Moon are involved in other yogas their formation of this simple Gaja Kesari Yoga will be a contributing factor for success and wealth.

Chandra 'Moon' Yoga
The 10th lord in an angle, trine, or 2nd from the Moon.
'One becomes a king having special kinds of gems, diamonds and jewels.'

This common yoga indicates the importance of the relationship between one's mind and one's karmas. The 10th lord in an angle, trine, or in the 2nd from the Moon indicates harmony between one's mind and karmas. The native's actions will correspond with their mentality and they will be more comfortable with their works. On the other hand, the 10th lord not in these places indicates a lack of harmony, or conflict in the case of the 10th lord being in the 6th or 8th from the Moon, between one's mind and karmas. In this case the natives actions don't necessarily correspond to their mentality, and they don't feel as comfortable with their works. This yoga, by itself, is not a very powerful success producer but it does exert an important influence upon the native's relationship to not only their career, but to all the deeds they are required to perform.

Asubha 'inauspicious' Yoga
A malefic in the lagna.
'One will be sensuous, will do sinful acts, and will swallow others' wealth.'

A malefic in the lagna indicates immediate difficulties and suffering, as well as harm to the body and health. The houses the planet rules indicate those things that directly harm or hamper the desires, physical well-being and confidence of the native right from birth. Any yogas that the malefic may form create stress and difficulty to the native and harm their health. Even if the malefic is forming a yoga for success, it will still harm and stress the native himself.

Kartari 'scissors' Yoga
Planets other than the luminaries, or nodes, in the 2nd and 12th from the lagna.
This yoga is said to give similar effects as the Solar Yoga, Ubhayachari Yoga. The important point about this yoga is that planets in the 2nd and 12th are closer to the lagna and therefore give more significant effects. Any yogas that these planets in the 2nd and 12th form are more powerful and significant. Malefics forming Kartari Yoga will give stress and difficulties along with their yoga effects, while benefics forming this yoga give ease and happiness along with their yoga effects. The planet in the 12th is a source of expense, whether for happiness or for overcoming difficulties, depending upon the planet being a benefic or malefic. The planet in the 2nd is something that is close to the native, causing happiness or unhappiness, depending upon the planet being a benefic or malefic. An important point emerges from this yoga, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, or Saturn forming yogas in the 2nd or 12th indicate more significant yoga effects; just like planets in the 2nd or 12th from the Sun or the Moon.

Susubha 'very auspicious' Yoga
Only benefics in the 2nd, unaspected by malefics.
'One will be wealthy, flexible, devoted to his wife, particular about rituals, always active, luxurious, soft spoken, prosperous, and a head of some monetary transaction. He will be an elder of the town.'

The 2nd house is almost as important an indication of one's character and success as the lagna. The 2nd house is actually the reflection of the 1st house; the first house is the body and the personality, which is know by its name, name being ruled by the 2nd house. The 2nd house, therefore, under benefic influence, greatly improves the native's life and should not be underestimated.

Kemadruma Yogas
The Moon with Rahu or Ketu, and aspected by a malefic.
'One is bereft of health, wealth, learning, wisdom, spouse, children, and mental peace. One suffers misery, failure, and humiliation.'

These are additional Kemadruma Yogas, harming the Moon, that indicate negative attitudes, worry, depression and a mentality of despair, or the inability to fulfill one's goals and desires. The dasas of these Kemadruma Yoga forming planets are periods of fall, poor success, inconsistencies, and great struggles. Natives have been seen to struggle for their very basic existence when the dasas of these Kemadruma Yoga forming planets run. In the horoscopes of natives with powerful wealth and success producing yogas, these Kemadruma Yogas indicate the periods of fall or losses in wealth. Since the Moon influences the social life, the Moon's affliction in these Kemadruma Yogas causes the native to be humiliated, disrespected, or to fall from social grace. An important point regarding these Kemadruma Yogas is that if the planets forming these yogas are also forming success-producing yogas, then success will still be produced, but the native will still suffer some significant miserable experiences.

Kemadruma Yogas
The malefic Moon conjunct a malefic, occupying, during a night birth, a malefic rasi or navamsa, and aspected by the 10th lord.
'One is bereft of health, wealth, learning, wisdom, spouse, children, and mental peace. One suffers misery, failure, and humiliation.'

These are additional Kemadruma Yogas, harming the Moon, that indicate negative attitudes, worry, depression and a mentality of despair, or the inability to fulfill one's goals and desires. The dasas of these Kemadruma Yoga forming planets are periods of fall, poor success, inconsistencies, and great struggles. Natives have been seen to struggle for their very basic existence when the dasas of these Kemadruma Yoga forming planets run. In the horoscopes of natives with powerful wealth and success producing yogas, these Kemadruma Yogas indicate the periods of fall or losses in wealth. Since the Moon influences the social life, the Moon's affliction in these Kemadruma Yogas causes the native to be humiliated, disrespected, or to fall from social grace. An important point regarding these Kemadruma Yogas is that if the planets forming these yogas are also forming success-producing yogas, then success will still be produced, but the native will still suffer some significant miserable experiences.

Vosi Yoga
A planet, not including the Moon, Rahu or Ketu, in the 12th from the Sun.
'One born with Vosi Yoga will be skillful, charitable, of excellent speech, looking towards the sides, employed, equal to a king, and genuine. He is endowed with fame, learning, strength, and a good memory. He will have a strong physique around the waist. Malefics forming this yoga will give contrary effects.'

Planets forming Vosi Yoga rise before the Sun; therefore, these planets are those with which the native initiates the experiences in their life. These are potentially the most activating and initializing planets in the horoscope. The traits of these planets will be very noticeable in the native upon first impression.
Generally benefics forming Vosi Yoga are favored. Classical texts give very different results to benefics vs. malefics forming Vosi Yoga:

'One born in an Asubhavosi Yoga (Vosi Yoga formed by malefics) will be deceitful, sinful, laborious, disabled, defective limbed, always feeling sleepy, lazy and weary. A friend of the wicked, and of unrighteous conduct, he will abuse others. He will, however, quote sastras and scriptures.'

Malefics forming Vosi Yoga indicate that the native initiates their life in a more difficult fashion, which includes reckless or imbalanced behaviors, willfulness, selfishness, competitiveness, etc. The first impression of the native will reveal some difficult aspects of their personality in accordance with the nature of the malefic. Malefics forming Vosi Yoga indicate greater hardships in initiating life's experiences than do benefics, however, they also become more productive, so any other good yogas they are forming become more powerful and success producing.
Saravali gives different results for the different planets that may be forming Vosi Yoga, but the important point is that the qualities of the planets forming Vosi Yoga become significant and active:

Saturn'The native will be a businessman, wicked, will steal others' money, will hate elders and will be the husband of a pious lady.'

Saturn forming Vosi Yoga by being in the 12th from the Sun indicates that the native approaches life seriously, and with caution, determination or calculation. Seriousness, coldness, reserve, concern and caution are noticeable upon first impression.

Vesi Yoga
A planet, not including the Moon, Rahu or Ketu, in the 2nd from the Sun.
'One born in Vesi Yoga will be even sighted, soft-spoken, firm in word, truthful, happy, bold, dear to his men, and popular among relations. Long-bodied, and indolent he will walk slowly, and have a bent body. He will be well balanced in his earning and spending and be endowed with some wealth. Malefics forming this yoga will give contrary effects.'

Planets forming Vesi Yoga rise after the Sun; therefore, these planets are those that the native applies to that which they have in their lives, as compared to planets forming Vosi Yoga, which are used for purposes of initiation. Planets forming Vesi Yoga are not as activating and initializing as planets forming Vosi Yoga, rather they are what the native uses to benefit from and take advantage of that which they do have. The traits of these planets will become more noticeable as one gets to know the native. Since the Sun is a very activating and initializing planet, Vosi Yoga is a bit more powerful than Vesi Yoga. Classical texts, therefore, give Vesi Yoga slightly less influential results than they give Vosi Yoga.
Classical texts also give very different results to Vesi Yoga being formed by benefics vs. malefics:

'The person born in a Suvesi Yoga (Vesi Yoga formed by benefics) will be very handsome, amiable, happy, a store of merit, brave, triumphant over his foes, liberal, intelligent, intrepid, virtuous, eloquent, a king, delighting in scientific pursuits, and possessed of comfort, fame, wealth, and strength.'

Benefics forming Vesi Yoga indicate that the native takes care of, uses, and benefits from the things in their life in a well to do fashion, which includes fairness, kindness, balance, gentleness, care, etc. As one gets to know the native, enjoyable, kind, fair and comforting qualities, in accordance with the nature of the benefic, will become evident in their nature. Benefics forming Vesi Yoga, which are debilitated in the rasi or navamsa, however, indicate troublesome character qualities that harm the native's capacity to take care of and benefit from the things they have in their life.

Mercury'The native will be a servant, will suffer penury, and be soft-spoken, modest and bashful.'

Mercury forming Vesi Yoga by being in the 2nd from the Sun indicates natives that are fair and practical in taking care of that which is in their lives, and do so in such a way that these things grow and give greater security and happiness. A communicative, friendly, and humorous nature become more noticeable as one gets to know these natives.

Venus'The native will be timid, will face obstacles in his missions, will have pleasant movements, and be defeated.'

Venus forming Vesi Yoga by being in the 2nd from the Sun indicates that the native very much enjoys the things they have in their life and that they recognize the importance of taking care of these things. Qualities of diplomacy, grace, charm, care, passion and enjoyment become more noticeable as one gets to know the native.

Ubhayachari Yoga
Planets, not including the Moon, Rahu or Ketu, in the 2nd and 12th from the Sun.
'The Ubhayachari native will be a king or equal to a king, happy, talkative and a good speaker. One will be learned, strong, a protector of his kinsmen, a favorite of the government, enthusiastic, very fortunate, firm, and full of everything. He will have many servants and enjoy all pleasures. Even bodied but not very tall, he is very strong. Malefics forming this yoga will give contrary effects.'

Ubhayachari Yoga is simply a combination of Vosi and Vesi Yogas. Classical texts also prefer benefics forming Ubhayachari Yoga, rather than malefics:

Anapha Yoga Benefits Exercise

Kemadruma Yoga
If Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yogas are not present, Kemadruma Yoga is formed.
'One born in Kemadruma Yoga, though born in a princely race, becomes obscure, inimically disposed, miserable, reproached; and bereft of intelligence and learning. Given to base ways and wickedly inclined, one falls from his religion. One is reduced to penury and perils, drudging as a menial and wandering, as well as being deprived of livelihood, wife, children, residence, robes, friends, food and drink. The native will suffer extreme difficulties, sickness and filthiness.'

Kemadruma Yogas are amongst the worse yogas that ruin a horoscope, making it difficult for the native to actualize anything of benefit in their lives. Amongst Kemadruma Yogas this one is perhaps the worst and one of the two of greatest importance. The Moon is a very fickle and unsteady planet that rules the mind. It is important that a planet besides the Sun, Rahu or Ketu is in the 2nd or 12th from the Moon in order to lend some firmness, stability and direction to the mind, which is necessary in order for the native to succeed with any vision that they may have. Failing this, the mind remains unanchored and becomes a source of trouble. Fortunately there are several factors that cancel this terrible form of Kemadruma Yoga, which are being given in order of significance:

A planet, other than the Sun, Rahu or Ketu in an angle (including the 1st) from the Moon.
This is the most significant Kemadruma Yoga cancellation. The planet on an angle from the Moon serves to stabilize and focus the mind. A planet in the 4th or 10th from the Moon does this particularly and is the next best thing to having a planet in the 2nd or 12th. In fact similar effects as Anapha, Sunapha and Durudhara Yogas are said to occur if the 4th and 10th houses from the Moon are occupied by any of Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn, and some astrologers actually consider these yogas to be formed by planets in the 4th and 10th from the Moon, though they are not considered authoritative. These planets in the 4th and 10th house from the Moon will influence the native less than when in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon, but if there are none of these planets in the 2nd or 12th from the Moon, then any of these planets in the 4th or 10th become very significant and important.
In all cases when there is Kemadruma Yoga and its cancellation, it is not as beneficial as having one of Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yoga. When one of these yogas is present the native maintains poise and equilibrium when confronted by new experiences, the Lunar Yoga forming planets in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon ground and stabilize the native. When there are no planets in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon the native has nothing solid to react upon when confronted by new experiences and it takes them a moment to get centered. In this case, if the resulting Kemadruma Yoga is cancelled, the planets canceling the Kemadruma Yoga are what the native relies upon in order to catch their balance. The norm and average is for Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yoga not to be present, but for the resulting Kemadruma Yoga to be cancelled. When Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yogas are found, consider them to be a benefit to the horoscope.

A planet, other than the Sun, Rahu or Ketu, in the 2nd or 12th rasi from the rasi of the Moon's navamsa.
As an example, if the Moon is in the navamsa of Aries, one of Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn in Pisces or Taurus in the Rasi would cancel Kemadruma Yoga. Some sources actually consider the planets in the 2nd and 12th rasi from the Moon's navamsa to form Anapha, Sunapha and Durudhara Yogas. These planets will, however, give somewhat lesser Lunar Yoga effects than planets that are actually placed in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon.
In all cases when there is Kemadruma Yoga and its cancellation, it is not as beneficial as having one of Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yoga. When one of these yogas is present the native maintains poise and equilibrium when confronted by new experiences, the Lunar Yoga forming planets in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon ground and stabilize the native. When there are no planets in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon the native has nothing solid to react upon when confronted by new experiences and it takes them a moment to get centered. In this case, if the resulting Kemadruma Yoga is cancelled, the planets canceling the Kemadruma Yoga are what the native relies upon in order to catch their balance. The norm and average is for Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yoga not to be present, but for the resulting Kemadruma Yoga to be cancelled. When Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yogas are found, consider them to be a benefit to the horoscope.

Any planet, other than Rahu or Ketu, on an angle from the lagna.
Any planet on an angle serves to focus and direct the native; therefore, these planets can avert the troublesome effects of Kemadruma Yoga. Mentally, however, the native will be somewhat fickle and unfocused.
In all cases when there is Kemadruma Yoga and its cancellation, it is not as beneficial as having one of Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yoga. When one of these yogas is present the native maintains poise and equilibrium when confronted by new experiences, the Lunar Yoga forming planets in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon ground and stabilize the native. When there are no planets in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon the native has nothing solid to react upon when confronted by new experiences and it takes them a moment to get centered. In this case, if the resulting Kemadruma Yoga is cancelled, the planets canceling the Kemadruma Yoga are what the native relies upon in order to catch their balance. The norm and average is for Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yoga not to be present, but for the resulting Kemadruma Yoga to be cancelled. When Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yogas are found, consider them to be a benefit to the horoscope.

Anapha yoga benefits exercise

Uttama 'best' Yoga
The Moon in an apoklima (3rd, 6th, 9th or 12th house) from the Sun.
The native's wealth, intelligence, knowledge, and skill shall be great.
These are important yogas that must be used correctly or else they will be misleading. A casual observation of only a few horoscopes will reveal that there are wealthy, intelligent, and knowledgeable personages with the Moon in an angle from the Sun, and those of lesser abilities and wealth born with the Moon in an apoklima from the Sun. These yogas obviously, therefore, do not impose a restriction upon the native's wealth or intelligence. The Moon gives growth of all things and the light of the Moon is dependent upon the Sun, therefore, the growth and realization of any productive yoga, whether one that grants success, wealth, marriage, children, or anything else, is dependent upon the Moon's placement from the Sun, which indicates the level of preparedness with which the native meets the fructification of a productive yoga. These three yogas are not meant to indicate the full measure of the native's wealth, intelligence and skill, but only to indicate the measure of wealth, intelligence and skill the native has upon the initiation of a productive yoga with which to bring the results of the yoga to fruition.
When Uttama Yoga (best yoga) is present the Moon is in an apoklima from the Sun. Apoklimas represent the reaction that is the result of having been receptive to an activity. Therefore, in horoscopes with the Moon in an apoklima from the Sun, the native is very well prepared, totally ready to react to the opportunities that the initiation of a good yoga. brings. They have the full education, skillfulness and resourcefulness required to smoothly bring the effects of the yoga to realization.

Following are a few important yogas from the book Core Yogas that Kala is not smart enough to find yet, but which are well worth checking for manually:
Kalpadruma 'tree of plenty' Yoga
The lagna lord, its dispositor, the dispositor of that, and the navamsa lord of the last must be in an angle, trine, own rasi or exaltation rasi.
'One will be a pious, strong, and merciful king endowed with all kinds of wealth, and fond of war.'

This yoga further illustrates the concept of dispositors, including the navamsa dispositor. The more times a dispositor of a dispositor is well placed, the more auspicious the original planet in question becomes. Kalpadruma yoga, like Parijatha Yoga, helps the native to fulfill every desire.

Parijatha 'celestial coral tree' Yoga
The dispositor of the lord of the lagna lord, and the navamsa lord of that dispositor, must be in an angle, trine, own rasi or exaltation rasi.
'One will be a sovereign attentive to their duty and engagements, of compassionate disposition, destined to be happy in the middle and latter portion of life, respected and obeyed by other kings, fond of war, and possessing elephants and horses.'

The Parijatha is a celestial tree that has the power to grant wishes. This yoga, therefore, helps the native to fulfill every desire. This yoga emphasizes the importance of the navamsa dispositor of a planet, which is just as important as its rasi dispositor.

Sakata yoga: By definition this yoga arises if Moon is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses from Jupiter in the chart, or vice versa.

This is one of the most destabilizing yogas in a chart. The native will find it hard to enjoy semblance of stable progress. Often things seem to happen at the last moment to unsettle all previous efforts and there is many a proverbial slip between the cup and the lip – in all matters of life!

Classics opine that the native will earn much by own efforts, lose it by fatalistic turn of events, and then regain it back, and possibly lose it again, if he is careless! The person will have the potential for gaining good fame (I will cover why it is possible to be famous in spite of the Sakata yoga shortly….) – but will suffer incurable anxiety and much confusion in all matters of life.

In practical situations involving thousands of my clients, I have seen this yoga manifest unfailingly in one of the following ways:

(1) A very successful beginning in life : a model life with good progress but suddenly around marriageable age, there is job loss or unfavourable transfer affecting all other plans in both personal and professional life.

(2) A constant pattern of doing well in prelims but failing in mains of any competitive exam : not necessarily the IAS, a constant pattern of being judged popularly as a skilled person by colleagues and super-bosses – but the immediate boss plays spoil sport during each appraisal/ promotion interview, a constant pattern of things seeming to work well till the last moment while something or other happens at the last moment to totally derail the process – like the entire project being cancelled, or the company suddenly entering a difficult phase and inducing austerity measures!

(3) Confusion in everything : it always seems that the other road should have been the right one – literally so…practical events often happening in such a way that the choices that the individual makes take him/ her along a road which is tougher while the other choice would have been a swan-song!

(4) Constant flux : constant transfers or change of jobs – though sometimes for good, making the person feel lost out in the long-run because he/ she finds in mid-career that they don't have deep connection with the colleagues around them while everyone else seems to have a trusted circle of associates because they have all associated with each other over extended periods; this person has been a rolling stone gathering no moss – and equally no connections too! In short – a successful career, but personally unfulfilling after sometime – causing anxiety and feelings of insecurity.

The Sakata yoga can give good fame mainly because obviously, if Moon is in the 6th or 8th from Jupiter, Chandra Athi yoga arises (benefics in the 6th, 7th, or 8th houses from Moon gives Adhi yoga). If Moon is in the 12th house from Jupiter, it causes sunapha yoga, and if Moon is in the 2nd house from Jupiter, it causes Anapha yoga. This is the reason why good fame is possible whenever Sakata yoga is present in the chart! That is the beauty of astrology – no yoga is ever blemishless, and no dosha is without accompanying positivity! It just needs keen intelligence to identify them!

IMPORTANT: Now, is there an inherent remedy in the chart for this relative placement of Jupiter and Moon? Yes, it is there luckily! If either Moon or Jupiter is placed in a quadrant from the ascendant, the Sakata yoga gets cancelled – Sakata Yoga Bhangam. So, a native with such a horoscope WILL NOT suffer the evil effects of Sakata yoga – but will enjoy the good effects of Anapha, sunapha, or Adhi yoga as applicable!


A person who accumulated wealth by cheating others or preying upon others' weaknesses or unknowingly misappropriated wealth of Deities suffers Sakata yoga in next birth.

Obviously most decent persons won't cheat – because we all have inherent repulsion for that. But, 'preying on others' vulnerabilities' is a very tricky thing – especially in professions like medicine and astrology….an astrologer who gives predictions and lives on the wealth got by such consultations might be very much a candidate for this – because there are times when clients approach the astrologer with vain hope that 'something might have changed from the previous consultation' or sometimes with meaningless doubts arising out of false beliefs. I mean no offence to anyone here…….I am myself a practising astrologer and obviously won't throw stones from a glass-house….but, as I am a practising astrologer, I know the pitfalls of this profession where clients tend to tempt the astrologer with untenable requests like 'Sir, you have predicted it won't happen; yes, it did not happen that way; but somehow I want the man back in my life. Can you give me a remedy so that he divorces his wife and marry me instead!' The astrologer should plant his feet down and say a firm No and divert the client – possibly denying the email-based request on ethical grounds, or if the client comes in person to divert their energies to other thought processes intelligently – rather than allowing them to consult on the same lines paying fee for a matter which you know has no hope. Trying to cater to the client with remedies just in hope that the client will later see sense is almost preying to the vulnerability – though with good intentions! I am just giving one good example of how even an ethical practitioner may unknowingly invoke bad karma even while acting with the best of intentions.

Again unknowingly misappropriating Wealth of Deities is a very tricky thing…..obviously most God-Loving individuals won't even dream of misappropriating Temple Wealth – but it can happen in the most innocuous of ways….like plucking flowers from temple gardens! If such a necessity arises, we should at least compensate it by nominal offerings to the temple before we use such articles (the necessity can arise if the flower/ leaf plucked has medicinal properties and it is not found elsewhere in the vicinity).

Thus, victims of Sakata yoga are sometimes persons who have fallen prey to force of circumstances and committed deeds, the gravity of which is not apparent at the time of the deed, but follows for subsequent incarnations till the dosha is nullified by experiencing the destabilizing effects.

Anapha Yoga Benefits Meaning

We have discussed in length about the karmic reason for Sakata yoga.Now, let us discuss why there is Sakata yoga bhangam placement in the natal chart….Brahma Rishi Vaakyam states that if the person who accumulated wealth by unfair means repented later and spent the money on charities, the person is born with Sakata yoga bhangam placement in next birth.

Now, what could be the remedy for such a dreaded yoga that threatens to dilute every other good yoga of the chart? Will it be very complicated? The answer, thankfully, is NO!

Anapha Yoga Benefits Yoga


Fast on Mondays and Thursdays and worship Goddess Gowri on Mondays, and Lord Shiva on Thursdays. Also offer physical service in a temple or charitable institution on Sundays or whenever possible! ….yes, that simple!

How long to perform the remedies? The answer is: Till we see obvious relief from the destabilizing influences!

Will it work? It seems too simple and good to be true! The answer is: Well, if the remedy is done with absolute Faith, and with the repentant attitude (I have committed it unknowingly in my last birth –Oh Mahaa DEva – Please protect me from such bad vaasanaas of my mind and help me to lead an ethical life at least in this birth), it will surely give results fast.

So, if check your horoscope to see if there is sakata yoga in your chart – and if it is there, follow the remedy suggested above culled from the ancient Classic Brahma Rishi Vaakyam – and make the Wheels of Fortune spin in your favour.

Article by: Pandit R. DAKSHINAMOORTHI

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